Lotta Bäck
Sales Manager
Are you looking for a local DMC or incoming agency that can assist you with bookings and itineraries in Turku and the Archipelago? You have found the right place! Read more and find the list of available partners below.
Visit Turku Archipelago is a destination management organization (DMO), and we are NOT selling directly ourselves. However, we are collaborating closely with local sales & DMC partners who can help you with the sales and packaging of experiences and tours in our destination.
incoming@elamysgroup.com / +358 9 2510 2096
Elämys DMC (elamysdmc.com)
DMC for various regions in Finland, including Turku area
Finland DMC (finland-dmc.com)
DMC for various regions in Finland, including Turku area
info@goarchipelago.fi +358 40 220 2158
Go Archipelago (goarchipelago.fi/en)
Tours and activities in the Turku Archipelago, groups
kaisa@launokorpi.com +358 40 5417 033
Welcome to travel with Launokorpi! (launokorpi.com)
Different tours at Turku Archipelago and around, FITs & groups
annamari@magnimundi.fi // sales@magnimundi.fi +358 10 5797 940
Responsible travel and tours in Finland (magnimundi.fi/en)
City tours and travel packages, guided tours, Turku region and beyond, FIT & groups.
info@naantalinmatkakauppa.fi +358 2 432 1277
Turku, Naantali and Archipelago tours
mail@saaritours.fi +358 45 1236 660
Saaritours | Tervetuloa Turun ja Ahvenanmaan saaristoon (saaritoursfeelfinland.fi)
Turku Archipelago tours by bike, car, bus, fishing packages, FITs & groups
steve.hart@travel-experience.net // info@travel-experience.net +358 9 622 9810
Cycling tour in Finland (travel-experience.net)
Cycling tours in Turku Archipelago, groups & FITs
finland@youtravel.fi & +358 (0)201 55 11 00
You Travel (youtravel.fi/incoming)
Biking tours in the Archipelago area
Sales Manager
Product Manager
+358 44 901 9688
Our goal is to connect local DMC’s and travel trade, and to make it as easy as possible for them to work together. Visit Turku Archipelago’s sales team is happy to assist you with ideas, contacts and creating programs in Turku Archipelago area.