
The Nordic Congress of General Practice 2024 was held in Turku

Written by Visit Turku Archipelago | Oct 10, 2024
The 23rd Nordic Congress of General Practice (NCGP) 2024 was held in Logomo, Turku from the 11th to the 14th of June, 2024. The congress gathered to Turku over 1,000 general practitioners, researchers, and educators from all over the world. 

NCGP 2024, Logomo

Rotating between Nordic countries every two years, the NCGP-congress was held in Turku in June 2024. The congress brought together medical professionals to discuss the latest research in general practice, focusing particularly on the values and challenges of Nordic healthcare. 

Päivi Korhonen, Professor at the University of Turku and Chair of the Scientific Committee of the congress highlighted Turku as an ideal venue for a medical congress. 

“Turku has a strong foundation in medical expertise and long-standing traditions in the field. Additionally, the city offers both historical charm and modern event facilities, making this congress especially successful.” 

The congress was hosted at Logomo, which provided modern and functional facilities for large-scale events. Logomo’s location near the city center and hotels allowed participants to move around easily on foot, aligning with the event’s environmental values. The congress dinner took place at the Ruissalo boatyard, with attendees arriving by ferry along the Aura River. 

The event saw 1,074 delegates from 21 countries, with most participants coming from the Nordic countries. However, the congress also saw attendees from the Netherlands, Slovenia, and Iceland. 

“We received a lot of positive feedback from international guests regarding Turku as an event city. Many were pleasantly surprised by the combination of history and modernity the city offers,” Korhonen states. 

NCGP 2024 congress dinner at Ruissalo Boatyard

General practice and sustainability as cornerstones of modern healthcare 

The congress featured a diverse program, including keynote speeches, symposia, and smaller workshops where participants could share their expertise and discuss current research topics. 

The scientific content of the congress focused on the seven core values of Nordic general practice. Speakers and researchers discussed how these values are implemented in practical healthcare and how they can be further strengthened. Key values include but are not limited to continuity of care, patient-centeredness, and sustainable development. 

One of the main speakers, Anna Stavdal, President of the World Organization of Family Doctors, addressed the theme of continuity of care. She emphasized the importance of long-term doctor-patient relationships and how they improve health outcomes. 

Another critical theme was the relationship between the community and healthcare. Rising star Minna Johansson from Sweden presented a lecture on how society could contribute to promoting health, emphasizing for example the role of city planning in encouraging healthy lifestyles. 

“Health promotion is not just the responsibility of healthcare professionals; it requires a broader societal effort,” Korhonen summarizes. 

Additionally, the congress explored how healthcare systems can contribute to sustainable development and how healthcare professionals can work together against climate change. Sustainability was also integrated into the practical arrangements of the congress, including the focus on local food and low-emission logistics. 

Other topics included the significance of continuity of care and the doctor-patient relationship, the risks of overdiagnosis and unnecessary procedures, the integration of palliative care into comprehensive healthcare, ethical questions in healthcare, and the challenges of healthcare digitalization. 

NCGP 2024, Logomo

Keys to a successful congress 

The congress is organised by the University of Turku, in collaboration with the well-being services county of Southwest Finland, the Finnish Association for General Practice, and the Nordic Federation of General Practice. Aboa Events was responsible for the practical arrangements. 

“Aboa Events was an invaluable partner. We wouldn’t have been able to manage all the details of organizing the congress without their expertise,” expresses Päivi Korhonen. 

The feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive. 

“From the first keynote speech, the atmosphere was enthusiastic, and it was wonderful to see how the audience of over a thousand engaged actively in discussions,” Korhonen adds. 

Jaana Franck, a clinical instructor at the University of Turku and Chair of the Organizing Committee worked on the congress for around four years, with the last two years being particularly intensive. Franck passed away from a rapidly progressing illness in August 2024. 

“Jaana had invaluable experience organizing several local medical events, and this expertise was evident in the smooth execution of the NCGP congress. She was a ‘sensible and grounded’ type of person who led the congress arrangements to a successful conclusion with her subtle yet effective leadership,” Korhonen says. 

The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Turku is one of the leading faculties in Finland, and its connections to the international scientific community create a solid foundation for successful events. 

“We are proud to have brought this significant congress to Turku,” Korhonen concludes. 

NCGP 2024 at Logomo, Päivi Korhonen (left) and Jaana Franck (right)

Text: Saga Tanner
Photos: Niko Kotiranta